I believe that every business must develop sound business, and operational practices.

But to be ready for the future every business must also develop operational agility.

If you have attempted any form of agile adoption in your organization and were left thinking that nothing changed, you are probably correct.

To effectively develop operational agility you must adopt not a framework, but a way of working that you aren’t used to and that is managing your business by what you are investing not what you are spending.


Our team are all highly experience professionals who not only have real-world experience working their field, but are also well versed in how to develop operational agility for any organization.

We seek to create three pillars to develop operational agility:

  • Transparency

  • Accountability

  • Predictability

We call this TAP2 Change.

We leverage two approaches:

  1. QValue Investment Scoring Model - aligns your strategies with quantifable outcomes, ensuring your people are always working on the most valuable investments.

  2. Practical Management for Agility (PMfA) - provides training and support to provide your management team the understanding they need to update their operational processes to be in support of Agility.